Someone was hurt before you;wronged before you ;hungry before you;frightened before you;beaten before you;humiliated before you;raped before you;jilted before you;divorced before you;jobless before you;lost everything before you;orphaned before you;live in an economy crunch before you;disabled before you,yet someone survived.-Maya Angelou.
In other words, whatever has befallen you or yet to befall you is not new to man, the key thing is that you must not stay in your pain, as record shows someone did survive it somewhere.It can be your story too.Your life is in your hands,your destiny is in God's and he has done his, by creating you and having good thought towards you always.DO YOU HAVE A GOOD THOUGHT TOWARDS YOURSELF AT ALL TIMES? BECAUSE ONCE YOU DO,YOU WILL NOT BE DOWN FOR TOO LONG. PLEASE GET UP AGAIN,A SURVIVOR LIVES IN YOU.
Chief Reporter's note:Abimbola Junaid is human and business development coach based in the United Kingdom but available worldwide.She is one of our contributors.You can reach her via email:thingbee@gmail.com or her blog: http://www.thinkingb.blogspot.com/
thsnks for all the inspiration