Veteran Nollywood actor, Olumide Bakare is dead. The veteran actor passed on in the early hours of Saturday according to his personal assistant. According to a family member “His situation however gone bad during the procedure and he could not make it. So he died” , a close family source, Abiodun Alarape, Bakare, it was learnt was rushed to UCH on January 24, after suffering cardiac arrest. His condition was however said to have improved, until he went in for the procedure and failed to make it out alive. His death which came as a rude shock to his numerous fans globally while most of them still find it difficult to believe. To those who want to know what killed Yoruba actor Olumide Bakare. He died of heart related disease. In 2016, the actor granted his first interview since he was admitted to UCH. In his interview with City People Olumide Bakare spoke at the origin of his ailment. “ It has started since 2013 but it wasn’t as bad as it is now. We have treated it but y
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