Africa Fashion Week London (AFWL) kicked of f to a f lamboyant star t for i ts debut launch in London dur ing August 2011. With an impressive turnout of over 4,700 at tendees, the 2-day ext ravaganza created an unprecedented plat form for over 50 international designers to showcase thei r col lect ions. Glowing press reviews and high at tendance f igures in 2011 have boosted AFWL prof i le and now led to capt ivate a wider internat ional audience in 2012, benef iciat ing of an est imated 7 mi l l ion London visi tors set to be in the capi tal for the Olympics. AFWL pledged to cont inue of fer ing equal oppor tuni t ies & exposure to designers f rom al l backgrounds whom are inspi red by Af r ican designs, pr ints & text i les. Of fer ing cut t ing edge fashion, inter iors, or iginal ar tworks as wel l as food, Spi tal f ields Market, winner of the 2007 Best New Open Space, is sur rounded by independent shops, cafes, bars and awarding winning restaurants such as Canteen, Galvin
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